Moving the local Nomadesk data file




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    William B Vogt

    How about if the local data file is moved?  I mean moved from outside Nomadesk, when Nomadesk is not running.  For example, suppose that the drive letter of the drive the local data file is saved on changes?  Is there a way to "tell" Nomadesk about the new location?  Failing that, is there a way to "ask" Nomadesk where it expects the file to be?

    Specifically, I mean a way to deal with this which does NOT require the whole vault to be re-downloaded from the server.

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    Nomadesk support

    Hi William,

    If the image file is moved outside of Nomadesk (eg driveletter changes), Nomadesk can't detect where the file is and thus the mounting will fail. In such a case, our support team can manually change the location where Nomadesk needs to "look" for the image file. 

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    We do format our PC with a small C:\ partition drive only for O.S. and Apps software
    Another partition mapped with D:\ drive is used for real, productive data. Even the user Desktop is moved to this D:\
    Since default location is c:\users\username\appdata\local\nomadesk\data and we can only move it afterwards we may not be able to import vaults at all!...
    Because we may have not sufficient space to import it at first place!
    Please do not tell me we should remove other vaults to gain space 😊

    If vault is really huge, or we do have several vaults occupying space we may need to locate sync data for yet another location (say USB; NAS, etc) and this should be done only in one step!
    I believe we should sync directly to final location.

    Hence, we really need the vault to be imported to a specific default location.
    How may me change the default location?
    Is something we may define when first installing the nomadesk app?

    All the best.

    Paulo Balau


    We do format our PC with a small C:\ partition drive only for O.S. and Apps software
    Another partition mapped with D:\ drive is used for real, productive data. Even the user Desktop is moved to this D:\
    Since default location is c:\users\pbalau\appdata\local\nomadesk\data and we can only move it afterwards we may not be able to import vaults at all!...
    Because we may have not sufficient space to import it at first place!
    Please do not tell me we should remove other vaults to gain space 😊

    If vault is really huge, or we do have several vaults occupying space we may need to locate sync data for yet another location (say USB; NAS, etc) and this should be done only in one step!
    I believe we should sync directly to final location.

    Hence, we really need the vault to be imported to a specific default location.
    How may me change the default location?
    Is something we may define when first installing the nomadesk app?

    All the best.

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