In case of a cryptolocker virus on your PC, your connected Vaults can also be infected.
If only some files or folders are infected, you can restore those via the revisions.
Some cryptolocker virusses do a delete of the data, and replaces them with their own content. In case of such a delete, you can use the online trashcan to restore that data.
Would the whole Vault would be encrypted by the virus, you can do a full restore for the whole vault to a previous point in time.
Note: Before restoring any data, make sure that the infected PC isn't syncing anymore and that the virus is removed.
- log in at and select the Vault that you want to restore
- go to revisions, click on the gear icon and select Restore
- select a date and time + click Restore
- this will start to restore the whole vault into a seperate RESTORE folder on your vault.
- in the bottom of the screen you'll see the status of the restore. Do keep in mind that if it is a large Vault the restore will take some time. Once it is done you'll see a green checkmark that everything is OK.
- next you can move the restored data back to the original location and delete any encrypted files still present on your Vault.