Our links are sometimes flagged as "unsafe" due to a feature called "URL Detonation Reputation." This is a Microsoft feature that has caused some frustration, as evidenced by this community post: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange/url-detonation-reputation-how-do-you -like-it/m-p/3944541
More details on this feature can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/defender-office-365/step-by-step-guides/understand-detection-technology-in-email-entity.
We are currently also in touch with Microsoft support to get this full resolved. Should you encounter this issue in the meantime, follow the steps below in order to rectify this.
1. Unblock affected URL and domains
- To unblock your urls and domain, visit the Submissions page, using this link below https://security.microsoft.com/reportsubmission.
- Add a submission by selecting Submit to Microsoft for Analysis.
- From the options in the dropdown of pop-up, select the right option between email, URL and email attachment.
- For url, use: nmd.sk and myNomadesk.com
- If applicable, you can also send in the blocked email via the Email option
- Select the "Should- not have been blocked (False positive)" and check the Allow box in it
- Complete and select save
2. Add to a safelink policy
- In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to Policies & rules > Threat Policies > Policies section > Safe Links.
- On the Safe Links page, click + Create
- Keep following the prompts till you get to URL & click protection settings and you will see the option to Manage URLs
- Add URL nmd.sk and myNomadesk.com, save and click on done
- Continue following the prompts till you get to done