If you invite a guest on your vault, that guest can then import the whole vault locally on their PC, and access the data via myNomadesk.com . If it's a guest without a Nomadesk license, that person starts in a trial account which allows them access for 14 days. After that period, they will need a license.
Via the Nomadesk Dashboard
- click on the drop down menu and select Invite Guest
- fill out the email address of the people who you want to invite to your Vault. You can also set the options here for your invite.
- The same can be done for seperate folders by navigating to a folder on your Vault, right click -> Nomadesk tools -> invite guest
Via myNomadesk.com
- select the Vault -> Users & Permissions
- select Invite Guest
- The same can be done for seperate folders by navigating to a folder on your Vault, right click -> Invite